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13 Life Lessons From 13 Years of Brain Pickings
"On October 23, 2006,Brain Pickings was born as a plain-text email to seven friends. It was then, and continues to be, a labor of love and ledger of curiosity, although the mind and heart from which it sprang have changed --have grown, I hope -- tremendously. At the end of the first decade, I told its improbable origin storyand drew from its evolution the ten most important things this all-consumi... posted on Oct 31 2019, 17,216 reads


Bye Bye Plastic Bags
"Five years ago, two young women decided they were going to do something about the plastic problem on their island of Bali. And Bye Bye Plastic Bags was born. How young? So young one of them couldn't make it to our midweek interview. "She's at school," explained 18-year-old Melati Wijsen, talking about her 16- year- old sister Isabel."She's just halfway through grade 11 and she's putting her focus... posted on Oct 30 2019, 10,193 reads


Beyond the Dark Night of the Soul
Note from the Editor: The story that was featured on October 29th, 2019 was run by mistake. As a rule DailyGood does not promote specific health supplements or treatments. This particular article was centered around an individual's positive experience with NAD, a specific form of therapy for addiction. There are significantly conflicting opinions on efficacy and other aspects of the therapy that c... posted on Oct 29 2019, 3,127 reads


Hidden Wonders of a Forest
When many of us think of India, we think of a land teeming with human life. However, the vast continent also is home to a multitude of plant and animal lives all working in harmony to sustain the complex ecosystem. Dive into this visually beautiful essay to discover some of the small, yet crucial, inhabitants of the Western Ghats forests.... posted on Oct 28 2019, 3,344 reads


On the Language of the Deep Blue
Drop your "cognitive gatekeeper" and travel along with best selling author Charles Foster as he paints a lyrical picture of whale communication. Follow the riff around a drone, like Byzantine chanters into the magical, mystical world of whales. Intuit the wonder of the world beyond the language of our minds.... posted on Oct 27 2019, 3,779 reads


The Atomic Tree
This moving video takes us on a journey into the memories of one of the world's most revered trees, a 400 year old Japanese white pine bonsai. The tree's rings hold stories from its inception as a tiny seed, through its early years surrounded by monks who prayed in the surrounding forest. It holds memories of sunlight and purifying rain. Tended by the loving touch and care of five generations of t... posted on Oct 26 2019, 2,467 reads


One Quantum Transformation for Mankind
Preeta Bansal offers a new "quantum" vision of scale, impact, and social change. In this engaging talk in the American heartland, she shares what might be called a homecoming speech of the truest kind - a return to the heart. Weaving her family's personal moonshot of arriving into middle America concurrently with America's (and humanity's) own literal moonshot through the Apollo 11 mission, she se... posted on Oct 25 2019, 8,169 reads


South Korea's Solution for Food Waste
Since 1995, South Korea has managed to increase its food waste recycling levels from 2 percent to a remarkable 95 percent. Their secret? Requiring citizens to discard their food waste in biodegradable plastic bags priced by volume. As a result, citizens are becoming much more aware of the amount of food they discard and many are turning to urban farming as a means of putting their food scraps to g... posted on Oct 24 2019, 10,225 reads


On Being Alone
On a solo canoe trip down the Green River, paddling through the Canyonlands of southeast Utah, Craig Childs reflects on what it means to be alone in the wild. Encountering risk, isolation, and joy, and entering into conversation with the land and waters around him, Craig explores what happens when we choose to be in solitude.... posted on Oct 23 2019, 12,515 reads


In the Presence of Elephants and Whales
Katy Payne is a renowned acoustic biologist in the Bioacoustics Research Program of Cornell University's Laboratory of Ornithology. She listens to the 'songs' of two of the world's largest creatures from the wild coast of Argentina to the rainforests of Africa. In this interview she tells us how humpback whales compose ever-changing songs and that elephants communicate across long distances by inf... posted on Oct 22 2019, 5,066 reads


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The death that meditation brings about is the immortality of the new.

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